Consegnato a S.O.G.IT. Onlus l’automezzo attrezzato con pedana per carrozzine donato da Gruppo Mastrotto

The new vehicle was “christened” during a ceremony held today in Chiampo. The mayors of both Chiampo and Arzignano (Vicenza) took part in the event. The donation was included in the projects to support the area that have always been promoted by the world leader in the tanning industry.
An accessible van to the Agno-Chiampo section of the non-profit organization S.O.G.I.T. Onlus was handend over by us during a ceremony that took place this morning at the organization headquarters at 9 Via Monte Cengio in Chiampo. Along with the mayors of Arzignano and Chiampo, participants included the parish priest of Chiampo, the President of S.O.G.I.T. Andrea Fracca and, to represent Gruppo Mastrotto, Santo Mastrotto – the co-founder of the company with his brother Bruno – and managers Renata Sartori and Giovanna Mastrotto.
Our comapny, headquartered in Arzignano and among the world leaders in the tanning industry, has always actively supported its area through tangible initiatives in favor of local institutions and organizations. Last Christmas, we chose to support the Agno-Chiampo section of the non-profit organization S.O.G.IT. Onlus by donating a vehicle that will mainly be used to carry the ill and disabled to medical exams at various healthcare facilities. The vehicle is crucial to offer a consistent response to all the requests made by users – including the elderly, the ill, and children in long-term treatment – to the organization.
Today marks the conclusion of the project, with the delivery of the vehicle to the organization and its consequent activation. Throughout the ceremony, the vehicle also received a blessing from the parish priest of Chiampo.
Assistance service of the Order of St. John in Italy
The Agno-Chiampo section of S.O.G.IT. Onlus includes about 30 volunteers who work – since 2008 – far and wide in the Chiampo Valley to support those in need. A new vehicle is a vital element to cater to the growing demands of families asking for help to carry their loved ones to hospitals and provide them with crucial treatment.
“Gruppo Mastrotto’s sustainability path is deeply rooted in its area and finds expression not only in environmental but even social initiatives. The inauguration of this new vehicle is a tangible sign of our company’s presence in the area and how we listen to the needs of our neighbors”.
“A big thanks also goes to Gruppo Mastrotto of Arzignano that has supported us in this project to purchase an accessible Opel Combi van: an essential tool to carry the disabled to daily medical exams and healthcare facilities”.
Assistance service of the Order of St. John in Italy’s history
The Agno-Chiampo section of S.O.G.IT was established in October 2007 by about 15 volunteers. The purpose of the non-profit organization is to promote basic first aid through theoretical and practical training. Over the years, S.O.G.IT. Agno-Chiampo has partnered with cities, organizations, and law enforcement institutions to provide first aid in case of natural disasters, road accidents, and public events held in the area. Moreover, it provides transport for the elderly and disabled – both at home and in nursing homes – to healthcare facilities. Today the organization boasts about 30 volunteers, two ambulances, and one accessible van, as well as electric stair-climbing wheelchairs to use in buildings without elevators. In 2019, the organization moved to a new and bigger structure where it can store wheelchairs and medical equipment and also host first aid training courses.