
Gruppo Mastrotto presents its experience on inclusion topics at La Sapienza University of Rome 

We have been invited to share our experience in the field of diversity management during an online workshop aimed at second-year students of the Master’s Degree in Work and Organisational Psychology at La Sapienza University of Rome. 

The aim of the meeting was to illustrate a concrete experience of managing diversity policies in a company in such a way as to shed light on the tools that can be used, as well as the obstacles and difficulties encountered in the processes of implementing these projects.

Giovanna Mastrotto, Board member of the company, and Manuela Frasson, HR Director, spoke on our behalf. They illustrated the long journey, called the Sustainability Journey, which has led us to achieve over the years, also through significant investments, numerous sustainability objectives, not only environmental and economic, but also social: from a comprehensive corporate welfare system to a real project of social and labour inclusion aimed at people with disabilities, up to the publication of the Sustainability Report.

It was this commitment that last year allowed our group to win the DNA – Difference in Addition award for the inclusion on the workplace, recognised by the “Ufficio Nazionale Antidiscriminazioni Razziali della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri – Dipartimento per le Pari Opportunità” (National Antidiscrimination Office of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Equal Opportunities) and sponsored by the Lazio Region, aimed at evaluating and enhancing projects related to diversity inclusion in micro, small, medium and large enterprises. 

“Gruppo Mastrotto’s project,’ commented Prof. Luisa De Vita, ‘- is an example of how it is important not only to actively dialogue and collaborate with local stakeholders in a community logic, but above all it shows how the implementation of these actions produces value for all Gruppo Mastrotto employees, strengthening their collaboration, belonging to the company and organizational well-being”.

“We enthusiastically accepted Professor De Vita’s invitation, whom I would like to thank,’ Giovanna Mastrotto remarked, ‘because we are convinced that it is necessary to have an open dialogue with the new generations on these topics. Having the opportunity to do this in an environment of this kind, in a highly prestigious university such as La Sapienza, has added further value to this educational moment. We are convinced that companies can and must be the first to act as models capable of demonstrating how inclusive policies can benefit and promote a more sustainable growth.”