
Gruppo Mastrotto honours the ten most deserving students among the children of its employees

For the sixth year running, our Group recognises the determination and commitment of today’s youth. An investment in the future and in the territory

Ten scholarships for ten deserving youngsters chosen from among the children of its employees: our Group continues to invest in the education of the younger generation. The recipients are students from the last three years of high school who distinguished themselves for their achievements in the 2022-23 school year. The initiative is held annually and is part of the corporate welfare project “People, Next Level”, which focuses on people and their development.

Commitment and education are essential values in preparing for the future, which is why we are convinced it is necessary to support them“, says Santo Mastrotto, founder of our Group together with his brother Bruno, who participated on 19th October 2023 with Chiara Mastrotto in the ceremony for the presentation of the scholarships. “We consider this recognition of the students to be an act of trust in the territory and its potential, because we want to help provide the young people who will guide its growth with the tools to develop and improve“.

To select the ten young prize-winners, our Group held a call for applications open to all children of employees and selected the students who distinguished themselves most for their grades and commitment. The scholarship was awarded to:

  • Elettra Gentilin (3rd year, Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Rosselli-Sartori);
  • Giacomo Zattra (3rd year, Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Economico G. Galilei);
  • Marta Conte (4th year, Liceo Leonardo Da Vinci);
  • Damiano Meneguzzo (4th year, Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Silvio Ceccato);
  • Elisabetta Pellizzari (4th year, Liceo Statale A. Pigafetta);
  • Silvia Rossilli (4th year, Liceo Scientifico G.B. Quadri);
  • Sofia Leorato (5th year, Liceo Scientifico Guarino Veronese);
  • Giulio Meneguzzo (5th year, Istituto d’Istruzione Superiore Silvio Ceccato);
  • Esther Parker (5th year, Liceo Scientifico Tron Zanella);
  • Jenni Trevisan (5th year, Istituto Tecnico Tecnologico Economico G. Galilei).

Care for people and the territory is part of our Company identity and its Sustainability Journey, a transparency project with which it intends to make its business increasingly sustainable, improving the environmental impact of its production activities and working to improve the quality of life of its employees. Added value for the development of the community, not only in economic terms, but also environmentally and socially.