A tree rooted deeply in the community
The tree is the symbol of the Foundation: with its deep roots, it feeds the community and makes it strong to face challenges and continue to grow.
Similarly, the Mastrotto family's commitment aims to respond to the concrete needs of community life with projects that promote the improvement of the conditions of the most fragile people and accompany children in their educational growth.
The Foundation's desire is, in fact, to support activities in the social sphere in support of disability, education and training, creating a positive environment for the involvement of the world of volunteering, a fundamental resource at the basis of the structure's operations.

One of the first consequences in the life of a Parkinson's patient is the tendency to become isolated. To counter this disconnection, the Parkinson Café was created as an open space for sharing and gathering for patients, families, and everyone who wishes to participate in the activities held in this precious meeting place.

Welcoming children and young people after school, accompanying them in managing their afternoons through a series of multidisciplinary activities, guaranteeing concrete support for families: these are the premises that led to the creation of the “La Tribù del Sole” after-school centre. A joyful and bright atmosphere in which to grow and enjoy being together.